Friday, November 18, 2011

Tres Bien: Welcome

I've been a fan of the dudes over at Tres Bien for awhile- their online store is probably one of the best out there and they kill it each season with their buying selections. They seem like good guys too, their blog is occasionally funny and they obviously put a lot of work into both their online store and brick and mortar shop. While checking out their flickr stream a few days ago (something I somehow find myself doing on the reg), I came across pictures of their newest store in Stockholm, called Welcome. Like their place in Malmo, the Welcome space is a great example of a shop's interior enhancing the products they offer- it's clean, minimal, but still 'welcoming.' Which makes sense though since the store is actually a collaboration with fellow Swedes, Our Legacy, who are always reinterpreting classic menswear pieces with simple, clean design.

While I'm still waiting for the call from 'ye saying that he wants me to go on tour with him and jay 'cause he fucking loves my blog and we can both go visit Hannes and Simon in Stockholm, I guess the flickr pics will do for now. 

And if you haven't already, head over to the Tres Bien flickr stream, you'll find such gems as: